Bashirul I. Sheikh

Bashirul I. Sheikh

Ph.D. Student

Wake Forest University

School of Medicine

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I am a third-year Neuroscience PhD Candidate in the lab. I'm broadly interested in perceptual decision-making. My work is a close collaboration with the folks over at the Salinas/Stanford lab and involves investigating the earliest milliseconds of the formation of a decision.

I am really interested in computational approaches that help make sense of the brain, and I enjoy the (sometimes Sisyphean) challenge of understanding the mathematics underlying them.

>> Interests

  • Learning
  • Decision-Making
  • Computational Neurosciecne

>> Education

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M.Tech, Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, 2022

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

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B.Tech, Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, 2022

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur