Ashley R. Shipp

Ashley R. Shipp

Ph.D. Student

Wake Forest University

School of Medicine

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I began in the Kishida lab as a research lab technician managing admistratiative duties, assisting others in the lab, and creating/maintaining this website! My research experience over the past two years has focused on model and task design, data collection, and analysis of human behavioral data in the context of a reinforcement learning, with additional research analyzing behavioral data in an alcohol use disorder population.

I am currently a first year PhD student developing a novel computational model that might explain how feature-level uncertainty influences various learning phenomenon, and investigating how it might be encoded via tonic and phasic neurotransmitter levels such as dopamine and serotonin.

>> Interests

  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Selective Attention

>> Education

Graduation cap icon

B.S. Biochemistry, 2022

University of North Carolina - Greensboro

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B.A. Computer Science, 2014

Wake Forest University